Monday, April 24, 2006

Ancient Greek Philosophy

Dear Reader,

I am taking a class on Ancient Greek Philosophy from my friend in Texas, Kenneth Smith. It's really more of a tutorial, since I am the only student, but it is based on the course he used to teach. I bought a shelf of books, including the few textbooks but also many auxiliary references, and I paid a reasonably hefty tuition as I would to a university. What's different, though, is that with just the one student Kenneth can tailor it on the fly to my concerns and questions, and since said student is at once highly curious and indulgent Kenneth can use the course outline as a mere launching pad for embroidering the most convoluted but interesting and ultimately relevant streams of discussion. The simplest quotes take on whole new meanings when put into the context both of the culture of the time and its contrast to our time. This class fascinates and challenges me, as few classes have.

Yours truly,

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